Dynamic Tags

BricksExtras adds a number of new dynamic tags into Bricks, that can be used inside your content anywhere on your site.

For reference on how to use Dynamic data in Bricks, see the dynamic data documentation on Bricks’ website.

Extras Dynamic Tags

These fields all support dynamic data filters, meaning there are some parameters for easy customization.

x_post_reading_time – Will output the estimated reading time (in minutes) for blog posts. Ideal for use on single post templates. The filters are ‘single’, ‘plural’ and ‘words per minute’.

Eg use.. x_post_reading_time:minute,minutes,250

x_post_terms_list – Will output a non-linked comma seperated list of terms associated with a post in the provided taxonomy.

Eg use.. x_post_terms_list:post_tag

x_url_parameter – Will output the value of the provided URL parameter variable.

Eg use.. x_url_parameter:referrer

Note: Bricks 1.3.5 added url_parameter dynamic tag. There is no need to use our x_url_parameter anymore.

x_est_year_current_year – Eg ‘2012 – 2022’. If the established year is the same as this year, only 2022 will be output. (ideal for adding copyright date in footers, which needs to auto-update and change from, for eg, ‘2022 © BricksExtras’ to ‘2022 – 2023 © BricksExtras’ when the time comes). The parameter is the established year.

eg use.. x_est_year_current_year:2012

x_loop_index – Will output the index of the current item in the loop. Ideal for showing ‘post count’ or for use inside data attributes if you need each post to display differently. The parameter is the offset, with the default at 0 meaning it’ll count up from 0.

eg use.. x_loop_index:1 (would count up from 1)

x_parent_loop_index – Will output the index of the loop nth levels up. Useful if needing to identify nested elements. The parameter is the level number. 1 being the closest parent loop, 2 being the grandparent loop.

eg use.. x_loop_index:2 (would get index from two query loops up)