
With every update we aim to refine/improve existing features as well as introduce new features.
This public roadmap gives you a high level preview to get a good idea on what's planned, what's next, and what's currently in development.

In Development

Media Player

Build custom video & audio players in Bricks. Support for YouTube, Vimeo, self-hosted mp4 videos, Bunny stream / Cloudflare stream & mp3s (and other formats). Supports custom playlists to feed to the player, custom poster images, video clipping, chapters, & building your own UI to best fit your use case.

Media Control

Control element designed for use inside of the Media Player when choosing to build your own custom UI.  Add controls for play, pause, seeking back/forward, time-sliders, volume, chapters, toggle captions, picture-in-picture, full screen mode, etc.

Media Playlist

Nestable element is designed for use with the Media Player element, to create your own custom playlists that can be loaded into the player. 


Wishlist / Favourites

Allows site users to save posts for custom query loops.

Common use cases –

  • for allowing users to create favourite posts lists
  • adding products to a products wishlist
  • adding video posts to a watch later playlist.
  • creating list of upcoming events users are interested in.

SureCart v3+ & WooCommerce products supported & all custom post types.

Query Loop Extras

Adding more query loop options, starting with;

WP-Menu – Build custom menu lists, ideal for displaying inside mega menu dropdowns or inside site footers.

Wishlist – Can be used to output the current users’ chosen items for favourite posts, product wishlists, videos to watch next etc. All post types supported.


Dynamic Map

Create interactive maps and populate locations with dynamic data from ACF, Metabox, Custom posts or any custom WP Query that you use through Bricks’ Query loop feature. Supports use with Bricks’ filter elements so users can search, filter & sort locations on the map.

Map Location

Control element for use with the dynamic map. Allows for displaying an interactive lists of locations that the user can sort/filter through locations to narrow in on the map.

Menu Builder

Build more user friendly mega menus & mobile menus in Bricks.

SureCart Conditions

Build more dynamic pages/templates when building stores powered by SureCart.

Pro Gallery

A more flexible way to build dynamic galleries in Bricks.


Help us build the best tool for working with Bricks.
Send in any ideas/requests for improvements to existing features or new features
Feature Request